Review Request 120484: Small changes in Ark service menu strings

Elvis Angelaccio elvis.angelaccio at
Thu Jun 11 18:23:31 UTC 2015

> On Giu. 11, 2015, 6:13 p.m., Ragnar Thomsen wrote:
> > What about a TAR.XZ entry? This is becoming a very popular format for high compression...

I'm not sure about this. For those who use this format very often it would be handy, sure. On the other hand, such an entry should be placed next to the TAR.GZ one, but I think that a novice user could be easily confused. "Why are there two TAR entries?", "Which one should I choose?", etc.
Raphael, what do you think?

- Elvis

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On Giu. 11, 2015, 6:02 p.m., Elvis Angelaccio wrote:
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> (Updated Giu. 11, 2015, 6:02 p.m.)
> Review request for KDE Utils and Raphael Kubo da Costa.
> Bugs: 198227
> Repository: ark
> Description
> -------
> The bug 198227 has a couple of points still not addressed.
> In the Ark service menu, the string `Compress To...` might be changed to `Compress to...`. 
> The other point was to change the string `Here` to `Here (as TAR.GZ)`, and while I did it in this review, I think this needs to be discussed here.
> The fact: currently Ark has two desktop actions with different names but the same effect: `Compress -> Here` and `Compress -> As TAR.GZ Archive`, i.e. the effect is a tar.gz archive being created. I see four options:
> 1. Change the action `Here` to `Here (as TAR.GZ)`. In this way the novice user will still see the word *here*, while the advanced user will know which archive format is going to be used. But in this case the action `Compress -> As TAR.GZ Archive` would become a duplicate both in the name (well, kind of) and in the effect. In other words, the users will be confused about which of the two actions to choose.
> 2. Change the action `Here` to `Here (as TAR.GZ)` and remove the action `Compress -> As TAR.GZ Archive`. Now there are no duplicates and no confusion.
> 3. Remove the action `Here`. No more duplicates and no more confusion, but now the novice user will not see the word *here* (assuming that this was the reason why the `Here` action has been created).
> 4. Stick with `Here` and `Compress -> As TAR.GZ Archive`, so different names but same effect. If so, the bug should be closed, except maybe for `Compress To...` becoming `Compress to...`
> So, I would go with 2. (this means I'd need to update the diff)
> What do you guys think?
> Diffs
> -----
>   app/ark_addtoservicemenu.desktop 85ae4106870b83a50967ee99bc49779d788f924a 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Compile and check if the strings are changed.
> Thanks,
> Elvis Angelaccio

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