Question regarding Ark Development

Fabrizio Pelosi tesfabpel at
Wed Sep 4 20:15:36 UTC 2013

Hi everyone,
I have a question regarding the development status of Ark

I'm a KDE user and I've added to CC list two bugs regarding ark.
These bugs are not critical for the app per se, but they're really horrible
from the user's perspective because they make the app hardly usable.
The best way to use this app is to right-click on the archive -> Extract
here, autoreveal folder
The app's Main Window is nearly useless

Ark should be treated as a core app for KDE since is the default archive
manager and because alternatives (which works better like GNOME's File
Roller) aren't well integrated into the "K Desktop" or they are very

For Bug 187152 - multiple selection undone when dragging
 (reported *2009-03-14* 16:30 UTC by S. Burmeister <sven.burmeister at>)
there is even a proposed solution in the attachments uploaded february
2013, but anyway nothing has yet been done...

For Bug 208384 - Extracting selected files will always create the whole
directory structure <> (reported
*2009-09-24* 14:02 UTC by Diederik van der Boor <vdboor at>)
there is a patch submitted to the review
board<>but it was rejected
becuase of a little problem that is surely easily

It seems like the development of Ark is nearly on hold since there are 16
major bugs and 27 minor bugs (some reported in 2010) that are still in the


!!! PS: sorry if this email seems like a rant, I *really appreciate* what
you developers are doing every day for us for free and I wanted to
encourage you to reconsider how ark is being developed and its (relative,
but a huge loss otherwise) importance for the KDE project... I would do
this myself but I dont' have the time / skills to be any useful.
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