GSoC Idea: Ark Improvements

Bhaskar Kandiyal bkandiyal at
Fri Apr 5 21:20:34 UTC 2013

Hello everyone!

I'm a second year university student and I'm thinking of participating
in Google Summer of Code this year with KDE. I have a keen interest in
the archiving utility Ark which I use almost everyday but it seems that
Ark has not received much love and so there are a lot of bugs in
Bugzilla related to it that needs fixing.
So, I want to give Ark some love and fix some annoyances and bugs in it
as a part of GSoC.

There wasn't any idea related to Ark in the GSoC 2013 ideas page, so I
thought I would send an email to get some feedback from the developers
whether they like it or not and want to consider this idea.

Bhaskar Kandiyal

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