Review Request: Changing conflicting accel keys

Raphael Kubo da Costa rakuco at
Tue Apr 17 17:05:41 UTC 2012

Evan Teran <eteran at> writes:

> Sure thing, I was planning on asking what the best approach for
> merging changes back into master were, i'll starting googling for how
> git merge works :-)

What Dakon (in KGpg) and I (in Ark) have been doing is commit bug fixes
& co. into KDE/4.8, then checkout master and use `git merge --log --edit
-s recursive -Xours KDE/4.8' (Dakon might be using slightly different
options but the idea is the same).

AFAICS there's no canonical way of merging the stable branch into master
in KDE yet due to the Scripty commits, but this has worked quite well
for us -- any translation changes to KDE/4.8 that get merged into master
are automatically reverted later by the translation infrastructure.

But googling how git merge works is important nonetheless :-)

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