KParts for KCalc?

Eike Krumbacher eike.krumbacher at
Wed Nov 23 23:08:01 UTC 2011


Am 23.11.11 23:28, schrieb Raphael Kubo da Costa:
> Eike Krumbacher<eike.krumbacher at>  writes:
>> Does it make sense to develop kparts for kcalc?
> What are the use cases you have thought of?

As far as I understand this, having kparts means, that you can embed 
kcalc into other applications. So I think of maybe finance applications, 
where you can add kcalc directly into the user interface of the other 
application. Something like kmplot (KDE-EDU) has it with their calculator.

I thought about rewriting the main window, because I think, that a 
flexible size of buttons/window can be very useful. For example, if you 
want to have a fullscreen simple mode together with a touch screen.

When I start rewriting the main window, why not having a kparts, but 
maybe its oversized?

So, Evan and Raphael, what do you think?



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