[PATCHES] Remove some content from the utils.kde.org website

Raphael Kubo da Costa kubito at gmail.com
Tue May 24 13:46:45 CEST 2011

"Friedrich W. H. Kossebau" <kossebau at kde.org> writes:

>> > I would like the same for Okteta, i.e. keeping the index page, but not
>> > being linked from the rest of the kdeutils website, so people who have
>> > the old url, e.g. if on an old version when it was still in kdeutils, do
>> > not end in the "service desert" but can be pointed to the new homepage.
>> > Which is not there yet for Okteta, so the page should just say something
>> > like "Starting with KDE SC 4.6 Okteta is part of the kdesdk module"
>> > additionally in the second paragraph. Agreed that is a good idea?
>> Do you suggest just adding this information to the index page and keeping
>> the other Okteta pages as well, or should the other ones be removed?
> Think the others can be removed, only the index page should stay (only that 
> one is linked usually), with that update on the situation.

Done -- I've removed Okteta from the menu and the README, kept
index.php, project.inc and images/ in Okteta's directory, and added a
notice about its move.

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