[PATCHES] Remove some content from the utils.kde.org website

Raphael Kubo da Costa kubito at gmail.com
Sun May 22 22:29:01 CEST 2011

On Sunday 22 May 2011 00:22:01 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> Hi Raphael,

Hey there,

> sorry for the latency in my reply, and thanks for caring about this. Seems
> since Okteta moved out of kdeutils my activity here has decreased. But that
> is more than compensated by you :)
> To make things official, can I hand over to you the title of coordinator for
> kdeutils, incl. mailing list moderation?

If nobody objects, that would be fine to me :)

> >  * The second one removes Okteta from the website, as it is now in a
> > different module;
> > 
> >  * The third one removes the kdessh page, which was already not being
> > linked anywhere.
> The last one is linked from the kdessh AboutData in the code IIRC and
> perhaps other places, that is why I had kept it, and added the info about
> the decontinuation, so people who might use the url do not just get a 404
> and are left clueless.

Hmm, ok.

> I would like the same for Okteta, i.e. keeping the index page, but not being
> linked from the rest of the kdeutils website, so people who have the old
> url, e.g. if on an old version when it was still in kdeutils, do not end in
> the "service desert" but can be pointed to the new homepage. Which is not
> there yet for Okteta, so the page should just say something like "Starting
> with KDE SC 4.6 Okteta is part of the kdesdk module" additionally in the
> second paragraph. Agreed that is a good idea?

Do you suggest just adding this information to the index page and keeping the 
other Okteta pages as well, or should the other ones be removed?

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