Patch for bug 256591

Raphael Kubo da Costa kubito at
Thu May 19 15:59:13 CEST 2011

Daniel Schulz <dschulz1988 at> writes:

> Hey Raphael,
> thank you for your tips and for the nice answer :)
> I'm 23 years old and I've been programming since I was 12 years old.
> At July I'll finish my education as an IT-specialist for application 
> development in germany. So my professional is software developing. C++ and Qt 
> I learn just since 3 years. So my skills should be okay - But with the KDE 
> development I want to expand and share my experience. Just because at work I 
> mostly must work alone or in a team with 2 people which know very less about 
> professional programming.
> I had already read the TechBase some and I did the development tutorial for 
> KDE, but probably did not read the review board. *shame*
> I hope my english is okay :)
> How much should I do approximate, till I'll be a real team member?

The concept of "team member" is a bit blurry, I'd say. The closest to it
would probably be becoming a committer. For that, see -- basically, once
you start contributing a few good patches someone will say "hey, you
should get a commit account!", and then you become a committer.

> Just cause I can program for KDE sadly just at the evening.

That's not a problem, we have many people who work on KDE on their free
time (myself included).

So roll up your sleeves and get to work on some nice patches for some
part of KDE you like :)

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