[Okteta] Support for big files

Rainer Poisel rainer.poisel at gmail.com
Sat Oct 2 17:17:33 CEST 2010

Hi list,

I think Okteta is a great open-source hex editor and currently I would
need support for big files for editing hard disks directly.

The contents of a file seem to be copied into an QByteArray in the
"ByteArrayRawFileLoadThread::run()" method. For me it seems to be
necessary to replace the QByteArray data type with another data type
with the same interfaces but direct I/O to the opened file or some
(little) buffer in between. Actually I would suggest to introduce
another layer (an abstract class) from which the direct-I/O data type
as well as a data type which uses QByteArray are derived. Then both
direct-I/0 and buffered access can be supported relatively easy (e. g.
chosen by a check-box in the File => Open dialog).

Any other ideas? Have any preparations for this feature already been undertaken?

Thx for your opinions and regards,

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