kcalc suggestions

Eike Krumbacher eike.krumbacher at x-eike.de
Sat Apr 17 16:58:23 CEST 2010


By selecting the buttons from the menu, one has the ability to calculate 
the square root of a5-bit number and show the result as some bits, which 
is strange but at least gives a wrong result.

IMHO, kcalc should have exact modes:

1* Easy mode: just the numbers and some basic operations
2* Engineer mode: trigonometric and x^2, sqrt(x) and so on + constants
3* Statistic mode engineer+statistics buttons
4* Logic mode: bit edit, hex, oct, dec and bin selection, but not x! or 
x*y^z and so on

Furthermore, I would like to suggest to reduce the abilities to this, 
what kcal really can do. Actually, its's a mixture of features, which do 
not really fit together, like a very good factorial, which can compute 
the factorial of all atoms in the universe but cannot calculate 
log(10^400). The reason for this might be the underlaying  math lib 
"gmp", which  can not  do some math things, a calculator needs. IMHO, we 
should remove gmp completly and live with what libm gives us.

What do you think?


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