Patch, WaitCursor during factorial

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Thu Apr 8 01:28:31 CEST 2010

Hi Eike and Raphael,

Mercredi, le 7 avril 2010, à 12:00, Eike Lange a écrit:
> Hi Raphael!
> Raphael Kubo da Costa schrieb:
> > IMO, the patch would look cleaner if you just called
> > QApplication::setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::WaitCursor)) and
> > QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(), and added the appropriate
> > #includes.
> Done and attached. Thank you for reviewing.

Yes, looks good. Will you commit for Eike, Raphael, or shall I?

> > Does kcalc currently have a maintainer?
> According to #kde-devel, kcalc has no maintainer. But does it really
> need one?

Ideally each program/module has at least one person to care for it, at a 
minimum comment on such patches like yours :)

Doing a call-for-maintainer is on my TODO list, hopefully done the next weeks.

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