irkick & default configuration

Risto H. Kurppa risto at
Tue Aug 25 15:30:27 CEST 2009

Hi and thanks Michael for your reply. It made it clearer how the remote works.

I was now able to create a small profile for my remote (see
attachement), it's useful actually only to run amarok and to launch
I also now understand how the modes work - great!

The challange now is to get connected to apps. It's no use to start
Dragon or vlc if there are no buttons to start running DVD or others
 -> I guess the workaround now is to write scripts to do what I want
and tell kdelirc to run the scripts. But with Kaffeine for example
this is a pain.. (I guess it's dcop/dbus would do it..)

So I really hope app devels do what's needed to make kdelirc run in
their apps. I think dbus is.. not for human beings (though I was able
to set my remote to switch desktops :)

btw any changes of seeing in the 'extension overview' what actions
have been defined for apps or remotes.

Thanks for your work!


| risto h. kurppa
| risto at kurppa dot fi
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