Idea for re-arangin systemSettings / Kcontrol inc some KIOSK functions

Michael Leupold lemma at
Thu Sep 18 01:36:48 CEST 2008

Hi Robert,

On Thursday 18 September 2008, SMIT ROBERT wrote:
> I have a suggestion that I think might improve kiosk and system config
> in KDE. I have no doubt many people are already working on bringing KDEs
> system config utility up to the high KDE4 standards but I hope my
> suggestion will make a difference.
> [snip]

I generally like your idea. But I fear this might be the wrong list do discuss 
this as it's mostly about the kdeutils module of KDE.

I'm not sure which list is the right one but I guess kde-core-devel could be.


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