
Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Fri May 30 18:35:34 CEST 2008

Am Freitag, 30. Mai 2008, um 18:15 Uhr, schrieb Thomas Gillespie:
> Hi Friedrich,
> > Bug reports:
> > For me Solid::PowerControl misses to connect to HAL, so it does
> not work.
> > But this is not visible in the applet, all actions are still available
> > and the battery is just empty. Can this state be read from Solid?
> Im not sure what you mean by this, sorry :)

I meant:
All functions are still available, even though they would not work. I would 
rather expect them to be greyed out or such and the systray symbol to signal 
something like disconnected or unavailable. And I asked if 
Solid::PowerControl has a property "Working" or such, so you could test for 
this state in your code.
Better explained?

> > Suggestions:
> > * A tooltip could show the current status more detailed.
> I was going to implement this, but i considered changing the systray
> to a plasma applet, so I don't want to have to do it twice :)

Ideally you would split the code into a core module with all the actions, 
views/widgets, etc. and some embedding wrappers, one for plasma and one for a 
systray program (me being not yet convinced by turning everything into a 
all-in-one-operating-system-process-reimplemeting-the-window-manager plasma). 
But do as you like. :) The systray is a broken concept, too.


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