Status/Maintainer of kdf

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Tue Jun 24 08:27:37 CEST 2008

Hello Christoph,

sorry for the delay, forgot about your email.

Am Samstag, 21. Juni 2008, um 15:40 Uhr, schrieb Christoph Feck:
> Hello all,
> before asking my questions, let me introduce myself, because it is my first
> post to this list :) I am Christoph Feck, commonly nicked as "kdepepo" on
> #kde, but also known as "skulptor", the author of the KDE 4 Skulpture
> style.
> Now that I finally have KDE 4 running from trunk, I would like to start
> contributing to KDE, as it seems both fun to learn and to code in. I would
> consider myself a fluent C++/Qt coder (albeit lacking some discipline yet
> ;)
> The experience with KDE code is limited to some reading of kdelibs and
> kdebase, though, so I am looking for a small pet project to get started
> with KDE.
> Looking at the current state of applications, I noticed that much love is
> going into Plasma and other stuff, but older applications like kdf seem to
> lag a bit behind. Open bugreports on for kdf are still tagged
> as new and unconfirmed, yet some bugs have an interesting number of votes.
> So I started to browse kdf code. Immediately I thought "hey, it needs a
> model for its list view, and should use Solid", but going slowly, I looked
> what could be fixed without a complete overhaul.
> Judging from the bko entries, there is no maintainer for this application,
> so my first question is, wether a maintainer for kdf is needed, or if kdf
> has been canceled in future KDE versions?

Nicolas (I thought to be on this list, but now cc:, perhaps he has already 
answered you off-list?) has done some work on it recently, like joining the 
kdf controlcenter module with another one in kdebase and turning the applet 
into a plasmoid, but after that I have lost track what the state of kdf is.

Nicolas, how much of the code in kdeutils/kdf is still useful? What should be 
in the upcoming release, what can be removed? Are you still focused on kdf or 
could Christoph jump in?

> The second question would be what else I need to know except how to write
> patches and posting them to

We all never know enough... :)

> Thanks,
> Christoph
> (Sorry for being so verbose but I do not like "kthxby" style writing ;)

No problem with me, I like it this way.


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