[patch] new entries in kwalletmanager

Michael Leupold lemma at confuego.org
Tue Apr 29 14:46:40 CEST 2008

Hi there,

as this is my first post to this list, some introductory words:
I'm currently with the bugsquad and thought I'd check some of the bugs in
kwalletmanager (as it's currently unmaintained). As I'm also a cs student and
aspiring programmer I thought I'd check if I could fix some of the bugs on my
own. On IRC you can find me under the name of lemma.

So, this is my first try at a patch to kdeutils/kwallet/kwalleteditor.cpp in
trunk. You can find the corresponding bugreport #159888 at

Basically all I did was reverse the order of commands so that on adding a new
entry to the list it is only loaded from kwalletd after it was actually
created there.


PS: sorry to the moderator for that confirmation-mess he might have
gotten, but kmail wouldn't send this mail out using the right
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