Summary of NWI -- the page

Maciej Pilichowski bluedzins at
Wed Jun 3 20:11:47 CEST 2009

On Tuesday 02 June 2009 21:46:19 Matthew Woehlke wrote:

> The close-window action is generally /not/ accessible via the
> application's interfaces. (Of course, the application is always
> permitted to close its window(s).)

I think it would be odd -- you have to have "quit" so why not "close"?

> Second: close document (default: ctrl-w) is implemented at
> application level.

> - Some applications (e.g. kopete, KMail's mail composition windows)
> will *always* close the window.

As it is against HIG we should not be so specific, because once HIG is 
changed we would have to change NWI spec as well. I think we should 
stick with "safe" examples and focus (in those examples) what happens 
to _document_ not window.
-> document is closed, no document is created
-> document is closed, empty document is created
-> document is not closed

> - Some applications will ask the window manager if there are other
> instances of themselves in the container, and decide to close the
> window or not based on that information. Currently my thought is to
> not offer any configuration here (or at least, leave it up to app
> writers if they want any configuration, which would be at
> application level rather than shared globally). I'm more generally
> opposed to allowing an instance to close itself if it has /any/
> siblings, though that would be possible.

So maybe we would get rid of it, because if you don't like it, I don't 
like it and it is better not to encourage odd designs. It would also 
make design more clear -- blueprint would say on close document 
application does not close.

But we would not say that explicitly because it is HIG task. But at 
least by not saying this we would not encourage any person to 
implement such UI. 

> A "close document" action may be present in e.g. a toolbar; in
> general I would prefer trying to have close-document activated from
> a widget in the WM decoration.

Hmm, actually nice idea, especially when you think that menu could be 
merged with titlebar. I hope someday it will happen.

> Please let me know if you agree and I will update the wiki
> accordingly.

Apart from "politics" and minor detail about first issue, I agree, 

> As for other ctrl-<letter> shortcuts; I still want to avoid them as
> globals. 

In sense:
a) you don't want ctrl
b) you want to make them local


> On a semi-related note, we noted that closure of a window should in
> general shift focus to the next-in-line in the historic
> bookkeeping. This is current behavior with non-nested WM and is
> often used in TDI. For TAI this could be optional (prev-historic or
> prev-spatial) but I prefer not offering this until/unless we get
> requests for it.

I really mean that when I say I request (well, ask) for that.

Konqueror in TAI mode is the most common app for me (or KDevelop).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

I would really like to click on 5, and then press ctrl+q 5 times to 
close tabs 5-9. Without such option for TAI you would have to 

or click on 5, ctrl+right, ctrl+right, ctrl+right, up to 9, and then 
ctrl+q 5 times. Both "solutions" are completely artificial to me.

Without navigation after clicking 5, and pressing ctrl+q 5 times you 
could get:
2 3 6 7

which is really odd result.


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