Switchers as arrangement managers

Maciej Pilichowski bluedzins at wp.pl
Thu Apr 30 09:41:21 CEST 2009


  First of all, what I think the exchange is -- app A is in the upper, 
left corner, B is in the lower, right corner. After exchange, A is in 
place of B, B is in place of A, the app which had the focus, still 
has it. The size of A and B are not exchanged, only placement.


  Old quote:
win-shift-left: exchange this window with window to the left. And 
similar for other shortcuts. Doesn't wrap. 

  It seems for me, that we could simply say that exchange is switch, 
in exchange mode. Or like this:
if mod+X is any of the switcher keys, then 
mod+EXCH+X is any of exchange keys, when EXCH is exchange modifier.

if win+left switches (spatially) to the app on the left, then 
win+shift+left exchanges this and app on the left.

  I am writing this because if this true, it means user does not have 
to configure all the keys again, but just define the exchange 

  I wrote that switcher mod key can be any modifier except for ctrl 
and shift (however if you ask me, I would allow just any modifier), 
but for exchange it could be really any modifier, because the most 
important is the "main" modifier of the switcher.

  And for auxiliary switchers, the same EXCH+[aux.keyboard.shortcut] 
runs auxiliary switcher in exchange mode.

  Is this ok?


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