WM: grouping applications (TAI)

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Apr 29 21:45:47 CEST 2009

Maciej Pilichowski wrote:
> PS2. And I have difficulties with this:
> wm-switch-window-{previous,next}-sequence
> * TAI -- spatial navigation covers that
> * GAI -- both spatial and historic
> * FAI -- the same as GAI but with even more problem with navigating 
> the sequence because user can change the windows order 

Do you mean smart vs. spatial vs. historic? The idea IIRC is that 
spatial/historic are not bound, but available for binding if users want. 
The more "natural" for TAI is spatial (so smart is spatial for TAI), but 
I can see wanting the option for historic. "Smart" just means that it is 
either spatial or historic, depending on the container type.

FAI, the thought was it doesn't have a previous/next spatial mode, 
previous/next would always do historic regardless of moniker. But since 
u/d/l/r should work I'm reconsidering that :-), it just becomes a trick 
of how do you determine order. I'm not sure what you mean "user can 
change the windows order"?

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