What's this help

Ellen Reitmayr ellen.reitmayr at relevantive.de
Thu Sep 29 11:18:43 CEST 2005

Hash: SHA1

Nur Fadel wrote:
>     -> Mobility:
>     Once the What's this has the window shape it can be moved and dragged
>     like common windows. This includes 'Move' via right-click on the window
>     title.
> May What's this use trasparency?

Yes, why not :) But transparency is not a substitute for moving it.

>     -> Comparison:
>     The user can open multiple What's this windows at once.
>     (Should there be a function to close all what's this at once? Where??)
>  May What's this use tabs? Or, better, multiple windows that can be
> resized in a exposè way?

If it uses tabs, the tabs should be completely detachable and dockable
(that means both detaching a tab from one window and docking it to
another one must be possible -> this, btw, should also be possible for
other tabbed window layouts).

If multiple windows can be opened, a cascade/compose/something function
might be useful. But which what's this will be arranged? the ones of the
parent dialog, of the parent application, or all what's this? should
they be grouped? by application, by desktop? I think these questions
have to be discussed together with the kompose and plasma people.

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