[ADMIN] Moving on.

Jan Muehlig jan.muehlig at relevantive.de
Sun Jul 11 14:17:43 CEST 2004

There will be a usability track on aKademy. One of the main intentions 
is to discuss what exactly is needed and how it can be delivered in 
order to improve KDE usability (and in my opinion: open source usability).

That's only six weeks from now. And if I can finally find someone to put 
the prepared pages on events.kde.org online, I will be very happy (I am 
lacking CVS access) and don't get the feeling that we are doing this 

Nevertheless, just one point for now: the reason why this discussion 
now is disappointing, is because it shows that there is hardly any 
discussion about usability within KDE at all. The kde-usability-list is 
about issues, not about usability. This is ok, although I have no idea 
how many suggestions there become realized. The usability-devel never 
came to life also because nobody ever made first steps (including me).

I really hope (and am optimistic) that aKademy is a very good place to 
improve things together.


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