Aaron Seigo aseigo at
Thu Aug 26 00:12:47 CEST 2004

hey all..

remember that XML DTD we came up with on this list for usability reports? 
remember how we envisioned a website that interfaced with it? well..... at 
today's BOF for Usability Processes the relevantiv people demo'd an alpha 
version of just that. they are using the DTD we authored (which they said 
they quite liked =) and have created a set of web forms to interact with it. 
they also want to create an OOo plugin / template to work with them as well 

this is VERY good news. it means that the excellent reports we have been 
seeing recently on this list will be able to be put somewhere they can be 
archived and used by the developers, the reporters and our growing group of 
usability professionals in the project as well!

exciting times.

at the BOF meeting we also discussed how to put out requests for studies so 
that those who can do field studies know what sort of information we are 
looking for, how to manage the lifecycle of this information between 
usability teams and developers, looked at the (ongoing) kdepim experience and 
more. all in all, quite a productive roundtable for usability issues.

Ellen and Jan will keep us up-to-date with information regarding as these new features go live and are ready for production 
use. =)

Aaron Seigo, currently in Ludwigsburg
KDE World Conference 2004: aKademy

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