Fwd: Heads up on Extra Mile initiative

Aurélien Gâteau agateau at kde.org
Wed Sep 5 16:17:40 UTC 2012

>>> I propose to draft a blog post for review tomorrow and publish it 
>>> on thursday.
>>> This post would explain how to get this started and present these 
>>> first
>>> results. Does it make sense?

I drafted the blog post on wordpress.com, but it does not allow me to
share it privately before publishing it :(

As a poor-man alternative I pasted the HTML in the Etherpad document 


I have only one screenshot so far, for most of the fixed bugs a
screenshot does not make sense. Can you create one for bug 294543 
('Member list of disconnected groupchat still looks "connected"',
http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=294543 )


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