Beta Testing for 4.10

David Edmundson david at
Thu Nov 22 04:22:18 UTC 2012

4.10 beta just rolled out, and frankly I think we're a bit behind.

I suggest we go with the same plan as last year.

 - Maintain a wiki page of the latest releases and where to find it
 - Get people excited about testing/reporting
 - Run some "testing days"
 - Make a list of "areas of change" to focus testing (as in
 - Do co-ordinated testing on the new plasmoids (run by me)

Please add to that list.

  - Move all old wiki pages to a 4.9 namespace
  - Copy anything relevant into
  - Update the wiki page to point to the 4.10

(note, I'm not a wiki expert, maybe simply updating the pages is
better? we still have the history. Either way we need it clearing
ready for 4.10)

  - Tidy this page
to look more inviting
  - Pick a day to do a testing/bug training like before and organise
and that side of things. (Mamarok?)
  - Co-ordinate with KDE-promo about getting testing instructions into
the beta 2 announcement.

I am really busy ATM with my day-job work. So we need a few people to
step up and chip in, I will be without internet a lot travelling
between various conferences so please CC this mailing list if you have
any discussions.

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