content needed for upcoming release announcement

Carl Symons carlsymons at
Tue Jul 24 13:26:05 UTC 2012

The upcoming release announcement should include something about the
quality and testing project. It was mentioned several times in beta
and RC announcements and a lot of work went into it.

Would someone here please write something about the program and the
results it produced? It doesn't have to be extensive nor grammatically
and otherwise perfect, but it should have interesting and pertinent
content. Please send to kde-promo at

The goal is to have the final version done by this Friday, 27 July so
that it can be translated. If someone can provide this to kde-promo by
Thursday, it can be included in the final version.

Why was the project started?
What effect did it have on the Quality Team?
Were there any new contributors?
Were new people able to be effective?
What results were produced?
    Number of bugs found
    Number of bugs resolved
    Elimination of duplicates
    Ongoing contributors added

Anything else that tells the story of what was intended and what was

Thank you

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