Fwd: Heads up on Extra Mile initiative

David Edmundson david at davidedmundson.co.uk
Fri Aug 17 23:08:59 UTC 2012

Everything on this seems to have died for a bit, so I wanted to bump
this thread, with a collection of comments, brainstorms and questions.

What's the status of the mediawiki bugzilla integration?

We've been bootstrapping the list of extra-mile bugs here, and in some
cases even fixing them already (by accident) this should help our
first report look better.

I think we can hopefully make this list a bit bigger:

I would like this list to be a bit bigger with some annoying visual
changes, misaligned text, bad padding and such.

This list also needs triaging to make sure everything meets the
extra-mile criteria. There's some where it's clearly a new feature,
and some where the developer doesn't agree (*very bad* to have in this

Have we drafted any blog posts/dot anouncements? If so please share,
otherwise we should start that (etherpad?)

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