OTR support for KTp

David Edmundson david at davidedmundson.co.uk
Wed May 21 21:11:28 UTC 2014

> Today together with my mentors we had a meeting regarding main goals of this
> project.
> At the moment, we agree on the following set of basic features to introduce
> in KTp:
> encryption of text channels with OTR protocol
> ability to generate and reset private keys separately for every account
> set of OTR policies to choose (always, opportunistic, manual, never) and an
> option to start OTR session instantly if contact has a verified fingerprint
> three ways of peer authentication (shared secret, question/answer and manual
> fingerprint verification)
> ability to manage known fingerprints for every account, namely removing and
> verifying them manually
> possibly a way to exchange fingerprints between different apps/instances
> access to the state of the conversation (unencrypted, encrypted but
> unverified, encrypted and verified, finished)
> toggling on and off logging of messages during encrypted conversation. Both
> globally and per chat window.
> ability to stop or restart OTR session manually

Extra things I want from KTp:
 - saving of keys inside libkpeople (view in personviewer?)
 - everything should work in the chat plasmoid too, except maybe configuring.
Trying to manage this in such a tiny UI will be hard. It might be
worth doing some mockups first.

Other ideas:

 - easy encrypted file transfers
By which I mean gpg encrypt the file before transfer, and add some
handling code the other end

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