Review Request 119722: Added Emails Plugin

Martin Klapetek martin.klapetek at
Tue Aug 12 08:54:07 UTC 2014

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This is some fine code, thanks! Couple comments below


    This is a library, so LGPL ;)


    The "m_" prefix stands for "class member variable" and it's used in simple classes to clearly denote what's class var and what's local.
    When using d-pointers, we usually leave the m_ part out, because you'll be using it as "d->", it's easier to read without the m_ in this case.
    Also the m_emails is actually of type Emails, so change that too


    Is it really needed to delete and recreate the m_mainWidget? I think it would be easier (and faster) to just deleteLater() the widget you get from the plugin
    Alternatively, as the widget is basically a view with a model, even the listview could stay and just the model could be recreated, this would have to be done in the emails.cpp method tho...this is an optimization that can be done later however


    Don't use FormLayout if you don't have a form, rather reuse the layout() directly


    Struct names, just like classes, should start with capital letter --> Email
    I'd also suggest to name it EmailItem, so it's clear it's an item in the model (it's sort of a convention)


    What is "desc" actually? is it the truncated text? let's name it properly then as "desc" is really nondescriptive.
    Suggest to use "body"


    Enum name should also be capitalized, same goes for its values eg
    enum DataRole {
        MailSubjectRole = ...,
    Also, in fact, remove the Mail prefix in the enum values, you'll be using it as EmailsListModel:: and it will be clear it belongs to emails, the Mail is a bit redundant in the name then


    the "struct email mail" should become "const EmailItem &mail" ;)


    Check if parent is valid and return 0 if not


    Missing {}s


    You don't need to put "struct" in front of every usage of that struct


    Don't do this, each time the view asks for a certain role, you'll be processing always everything --> slow
    Instead right after you obtain the EmailItem from the list, use 
    switch (role) {
        case MailSubjectRole:
            ...subject processing...
            return subject;
        case MailDescRole:
            return mail.desc;


    No seconds, that's quite useless in our preview :)
    (and more data in a view means less clean interface)


    This is missing the {}s
    also put "No subject" in i18n(..)


    This should actually be handled by the delegate, more below


    If you're appending just one item, the last parameter must be the same as the second, because the "first position" of the inserted items will be the same as the "last position" (the third arg) because you're inserting just one item ;)
    tl;dr - remove the +1


    Each new file must also have an empty new line at the end


    Use fm.elidedText(desc, Qt::ElideRight, descRect.width()) instead of the "desc" argument
    This will make sure the text will always scale with the view
    (also please rename the desc to body here too)


    Can you fill the variable names here please (to all the methods)? It makes it easier to understand when opening the header files


    Private vars should always go last, even after private Q_SLOTS
    also, this is the place where m_ prefixes should be used ;)
    finally, rename *me to *emailsModel


    You're instantiating it with an empty list, that's no use
    I'd either suggest to remove this constructor overload altogether and use only the default one (also pass "this" as parent otherwise it leaks) and then add the data to the model using the addEmail() method OR construct the model like this only when you actually have the list of models (inside jobFinished())


    You can also bulk-fetch the items with one single job, it would actually be better in terms of efficiency, you can either create a list of Items or list of Item ids and pass it to the ItemFetchJob, then you'll receive a list of items


    Since you'll have to first build a list of items in the while loop above, you can get rid of the hasMsg and replace it with list's isEmpty()



- Martin Klapetek

On Aug. 11, 2014, 11:29 p.m., Nilesh Suthar wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Aug. 11, 2014, 11:29 p.m.)
> Review request for Telepathy and Martin Klapetek.
> Repository: libkpeople
> Description
> -------
> Email are listed in QListview and fetch with the help of baloo
> To be tested with
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/widgets/plugins/emaillistmodel.cpp PRE-CREATION 
>   src/widgets/plugins/emaillistviewdelegate.h PRE-CREATION 
>   src/widgets/plugins/emaillistviewdelegate.cpp PRE-CREATION 
>   src/widgets/plugins/emails.h PRE-CREATION 
>   src/widgets/plugins/emails.cpp PRE-CREATION 
>   src/widgets/plugins/emaillistmodel.h PRE-CREATION 
>   src/widgets/personemailview.cpp PRE-CREATION 
>   src/widgets/personemailview.h PRE-CREATION 
>   CMakeLists.txt b599284 
>   src/widgets/CMakeLists.txt f637838 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Working as needed
> Thanks,
> Nilesh Suthar

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