KTp BoF Minutes

Daniele E. Domenichelli daniele.domenichelli at gmail.com
Thu Jul 18 11:57:59 UTC 2013

People attending:

drf__ (late)
dvratil (very late)

* 0.7 Plans
  * Configuration setting for using KPeople or not (default value to be chosen
  * No QML Chat UI
  * Release 21/9/2013
  * Soft feature freeze from now
  * Non global presence might be there
    * kded module needs to work on single accounts
    * UI must be fixed
    * Accounts can have only some of the possible statuses
    * Status message in the identity
  * Contact plasmoid should be fixed or die
    * Merge features into the chat-plasmoid
  * Call UI
    * Fix QtGStreamer (dMaggot)
  * Stable API: KPeople vs. KTp
    * List of what should be public and what should be not on the mailing list
  * TelepathyLoggerQt should be an optional dependency
* KTp Commitment Statement
  * Communication
  * Plasma integration
  * Tubes - Easy to setup collaborative work
  * Integrating with all your level communication media
  * Buzzwords: Scalable, Distributed, Cloud, Semantic
  * Simplicity vs. Discoverability vs. Configurability
  * Encourage XMPP, Support all other protocols
* Telepathy Qt
  * Tp 0.10 September
    * Tp and TpFarstream split
    * Service bindings
  * Tp 0.12
    * Qt4 - Qt5 branches
  * Tp 0.14
    * Qt5 C++11 refactory
  * Bugs on freedesktop.org
* Long term
  * Abstract logger backend (0.8)
  * TelepathyLoggerQt should be in freedesktop.org
  * Meta repository? We'll see what KT5 do
  * Initiators in main library + executable

Not discussed
* Tubes
* Woshibon 3


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