Meeting Notes - planning 0.7.1, 0.8 and beyond

David Edmundson david at
Mon Dec 9 11:27:25 UTC 2013

Below are notes from the meeting last Saturday. I suggest reading them.


- will contain a hidden config option to disable nepomuk
- build fix for pinxto
- try and fix that text focus issue

0.8 release schedule

 - Hard Feature freeze - 14th December
 - String Freeze - 21st December
 - 0.8 Beta - 28th December
 - Release - 4th Jan

Plan is to market the kpeople parts as though they're new:
 - focus  on the integrating PIM stuff
 - try and make akonadi contacts more integrated into the UI
 - we should add lots of actions for the other KAddressbook things
(possibly skype?)
 - don't explicitly mention kpeople or (lack of) nepomuk in the announcement

After that:

We have an API break in Telepathy upstream coming up
 - _Hopefully_ this will be mostly handled inside TpQt.

 - We need to be ready for this, or KTp won't work on some distros
that switch for Gnome. :(

 - We should *not* to touch KF5 stuff till this is sorted. Two changes
at once is too confusing. Also could leave some distros out in the


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