KTp Logger

Daniel Vrátil dvratil at redhat.com
Sat Aug 10 21:17:26 UTC 2013

Hi guys,

on Akademy we discussed having our own logger that would provide abstraction 
over TpLoggerQt (and possibly other backends).

I've just pushed tp-logger branch in ktp-common-internals, which introduces 
KTp Logger - a library with API similar to what TpLoggerQt has and a plugin-
based design. There's already tplogger plugin which provides integration with 
Telepathy Logger via TpLoggerQt. TpLoggerQt is still just an optional 
dependency - without it the plugin will be disabled at build time.

For Windows, there also ktp-winlogger utility, which is an extremely super 
simple logger which stores logs into SQLite database and of course there's a 
plugin that provides integration with KTp Logger. It's automatically enabled 
on Windows, on Linux pass -DENABLE_WINLOGGER=TRUE to CMake. It works on Linux 
too :-)

In ktp-text-ui there is a ktplogger branch with logviewer completely ported to 
KTp Logger, so you can even test that it works :-) chat-ui and other 
components still have to be ported.

I'd appreciate your comments and reviews, both on the API and the actual code, 
so that we can merge it for 0.7


Daniel Vrátil
Associate Software Engineer, KDE Desktop Team
Red Hat, Inc

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