GSoC: KDE Games powered by Telepathy

Daniele E. Domenichelli daniele.domenichelli at
Tue Feb 21 10:07:59 UTC 2012

On 21/02/12 10:53, David Edmundson wrote:
>>  Maybe I'm wrong, but I think it is better to have a bigger project that we
>>  realize during the implementation that it cannot be finished, rather than a
>>  project that is finished after one month.
> You have to be a bit careful on that. At the end of the 3 months you
> have to sign off wether the student has "finished the project", and
> they have to submit their code to Google. Whilst having stuff that
> only takes a month is a bad idea, having a plan that realistically
> takes more than 3 months risks simply getting abandoned and never
> merged, I can list several projects where that has happened.

Yeah, I'm sorry I probably didn't explain this in the right way, what I 
meant is that we could overestimate the time required for porting ksirk 
and say "ok this will take 3 months and it's good for a GSoC project", 
but it's actually very likely to take a shorter time, so I'd rather have 
a bigger project that realistically takes 3 months and eventually find 
out during the project that I was wrong, and have only some targets of 
the project finished, than having a student that finishes the project in 
one month and doesn't know what to do for the other 2 months.

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