My usability thoughts re review: 103628

David Edmundson david at
Mon Feb 6 00:01:13 UTC 2012

There was another UI discussion regarding

We didn't have time for this in the meeting, but whilst stuck on a
train I had time to write up my thoughts.

The "display name" review:

 - Part of the patch is awesome without any quibbles at all
(delegating the default display name to the plugin)

 - Part of it I think "sucks", reasons below:
    - Everyone gets it mixed up with nickname. (including the
usability person today, even /after/ you started explaining).

    - Every person I've tested with (2 people) start typing in the
first box when they go to create a new account, which completely
breaks most of it. One of which put their account details in the first
box, then left the important one blank!

It's fine for "edit account" (assuming you had a label), but when you
_create_ an account it's wrong - as everyone starts a form at the top
and fills in downwards.

Also it's somewhat over-engineered with the constant updating between
two lineedits. I don't like complicated code, it generally means
something isn't right. (plus I don't like adding boolean arguments to
methods "boolean trap" is the term I've sometimes heard for this.)

What we need to do though is propose alternate methods for this. No
design is right first time (not mine, not Dave Allen's, not anyones).
What we (Martin and I) currently did was say "we don't like this." but
didn't suggest anything better which in retrospect is really really
bad on our part (sorry).

So here's my alternate propositions, these won't be flawless either,
but it's pure brainstorming:

 - It's moved to the "advanced" options. (as a fixed additional tab in
that dialog). That way the user will have typed in the account name
already so we don't have textboxes changing other textboxes as you
type, and we have plenty of space to write a label explaining what it
actually does. Plus it *is* an advanced use case anyway, especially as
plugins can now(with the patch) provide good default display names.

 - It's moved to the identity dialog. Logic being; you configure how
you appear to others (nickname) but also how you appear to you
(display name).

 - The line edit is moved to the bottom of the add account dialog.

 - It only appears when you edit an account, not create one.


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