KTp and Plasma Active

Artur Dębski xmentero at gmail.com
Mon Dec 31 15:54:49 UTC 2012

My name is Artur Dębski and I am a student from Poland. I am doing my BSc
degree at the moment and was suggested to try making KTp for PlasmaActive
as the graduation project. I have been talking to Dan quite a while ago and
he asked me to contact you guys. But as I was new to QML I wanted to make
some prototypes to get my feet wet first. So today I have some code I'm
willing to show you guys. I noticed you had some thoughts on the topic [1],
as well as a little mockup which I really liked. I put some personal
touches to the idea and started work. In the following link [2] you can get
my code and some screenshots. The app is not ready yet but I decided it's a
good time for some feedback. Please give me your opinions. QML at the
moment is filled with a lot of static content which I am slowly starting to
replace with your data. I was asked to save as much of your original code
as possible which sounds reasonable. I found your declarative plugins
really awesome and gave them a try by passing the ContactList model to my
QML. I'll try to play a little with your chat qml plugin next and then I
guess I need to try create similar tool for account management. Please
ignore all of the C++ side at the moment. I give you my code as .zip
because my remote repo is hosted on bitbucket and as far as I know it only
allows up to five user per repository.

With all of that I am willing to wish you all Happy New Year :)
With best regars,
Artur Dębski

[1] http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-telepathy/2012-March/006044.html
[2] https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1co2jqnh664e3lh/Yn4Zh0plnW<https://www.dropbox.com/home/KtpActive>
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