The Contact List Applet

David Edmundson david at
Wed Dec 19 16:55:15 UTC 2012

Contact List Applet

The Contact List applet has been doing nothing for a while now, and
it's time to get it sorted and finished.
I want to discuss what we actually want to do. Then once we have a
general consensus I'll turn it into bugzilla lists and get started on

Who here currently uses it? I don't really. My preferred method of
starting chats is homerun via krunner.

So, brainstorming:

 - Should it be a popup-plasmoid so it can be docked in a panel. What
would the icon be?

 - If it's in a vertical panel that's wide enough should it show the
list properly?

 - Should it use Plasma icons for presence?

 - Do we want to have a search bar? Always shown? or with a button to
toggle it? Or just instantly if you start typing.

 - Do we want to show groups? What's a good way to use a TreeView in QML.

 - Should it have all the different sort/group-by options the real
contact list has? In a "toolbar"? or in the plasma config?

 - Do we want call/video/send file buttons?

- Should we have it so that in the config you specify what groups you
want to show? I think I might use it if I had a list of just people in
my "friends" group and that's it.

Please comment and include your own ideas and suggestions.

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