Updated setup script

Francesco francesco.nwokeka at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 12:11:55 UTC 2011

I updated the kde-tp script[1] with all the used repos in order (there should 
be no compile dependency errors).
I also added seperate functions so that I'm not forced to build if I only want 
to update the repos.
The current commands are :

# Instructions on how to use the script :
#     -b    build only (updates repos before build)
#     -bi   build and install (updates repos before build)
#     -u    update/clone repos
#     -h    show help menu

If there are any errors or modifications to be made, please notify me. As soon 
as I get a few ok's, I'll update the script on out wiki


[1] http://paste.kde.org/138367/

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