KDE Telepathy V0.2 Delayed

David Edmundson david at davidedmundson.co.uk
Fri Nov 18 02:11:11 UTC 2011

Due to numerous issues in the presence-applet I'm delaying the release
of 0.2 by a week.

Presence is quite important if we end up showing the wrong thing to
the user it's both confusing and causing an issue. Last minute changes
to the presence applet caused all sorts of things to misbehave and I
don't like that.

This also gives us time to sort out tarballing, the ubuntu PPA and
finish the dot article which are still outstanding and would be a rush
to do in a day.

I'm also allowing the presence applet to go some serious overhaul
because currently it's a bit shit. I want that code fully tidy and
fully reviewed and fully working by Tuesday. If you can help out,
please do.

To answer some questions:
 - Does this mean I can backport more features to 0.2:
No. Please don't cause me any other headaches.

- I want to hack on new stuff
Master is still open for any commits, in theory this shouldn't really delay 0.3.


Sleepy Dave

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