[telepathy] [Bug 328038] add im-sipe icons

Maksim Melnikau maxposedon at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 11:42:01 GMT 2013


--- Comment #9 from Maksim Melnikau <maxposedon at gmail.com> ---
(In reply to comment #7)
> Yes, that's quite strange place. Is it the source that installs it there or
> the distro package?

This is default path from pidgin-sipe package, yep it looks like upstream
(pidgin-sipe) issue, but I'm not sure when they will fix it, if bug will be

./contrib/rpm/pidgin-sipe.spec contains

pixmaps/Makefile.common.am contains
empathyappsiconsdir    = $(datadir)/empathy/icons/hicolor/$(pixmapinst)/apps
empathyappsicons_DATA  = im-sipe.$(pixmapext)
DISTCLEANFILES         = im-sipe.$(pixmapext)

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