[Bug 301354] [Request] Gridview / avatar-only mode

Martin Klapetek martin.klapetek at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 08:50:39 BST 2012


--- Comment #8 from Martin Klapetek <martin.klapetek at gmail.com> ---
> if the contact set the email in the email field, you can try to use that to retrieve the avatar

Sure, but these methods are still missing in tp-qt4. There is however a way to
get that info yourself using some contact info class and combining it with the
spec. But then again - I have never ever set my email to any of my accounts and
looking at bunch of my friends (using official clients), neither did they.

> you can try any email associated to any contact

That indeed rises the chances of hitting a valid gravatar, but I'm pretty
confident that none of my ordinary friends actually knows of this service (I
didn't myself until I asked I think you last year). So using gravatar is
possible, but the reliability is imho ~23%.

Do a little test - pick 10 of your friends without avatar and look for their
gravatars using their emails (try using only those addresses you actually have)
and try accounts like ICQ, AIM or similar, that are not associated with social
networks (like GTalk or FBChat).

> The avatar generated from the username could work, but I think it will be harder to generate them.

Why's that? You simply take the initials and paint them in rectangle. Might be
slower, yes, but question is how much (of course we need to cache them).

> it is quite likely that you will get duplicates.

That's true. Doing another quick test with my list of 99 people, I'd have ~5
duplicates with one having 4 duplicates (four people with MH initials), though
only 3 people (of all duplicates) don't have avatars. Even without it still
gives you rough idea of who that might be (while for example the identicon is
just a big set of triangles, which is way harder to recognize than name
initials; also keep in mind we're talking roughly about 16x16 pixels).

> Which initials are you going to use if your contact doesn't set both the avatar and the name?

He has to has at least a username. So for "mck182", you'd see "M".

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