Mycroft and KDE

Cornelius Schumacher schumacher at
Sun Oct 11 21:28:30 UTC 2015

Hi KDE speech experts,

have you seen the Mycroft project ( It's an open project 
to build something similar as Apple's Siri and its siblings from other 
vendors. It will be built with open source software and open hardware. There 
goal is to build "an artificial intelligence for everyone" and speech 
recognition is a big part of it.

They ran a Kickstarter to fund the start of the project and one of the stretch 
goals they reached was desktop integration. So they will work on integrating 
their software with Linux desktops. That's where I started to think about what 
integration with KDE would mean.

What are your thoughts on that? Their approach is a bit different from what we 
have with Simon and related code, but I'm not really the expert here, so I 
would love to get some more insight from your perspective.

Best Regards,

Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher at>

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