Fwd: Re: [GSoC] UML of PlaySong functionality for MprisPlayer plug-in

Peter Grasch peter at grasch.net
Fri Jun 27 10:31:19 UTC 2014

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Subject: Re: [GSoC] UML of PlaySong functionality for MprisPlayer plug-in
Date: Thursday, June 26, 2014, 10:57:44 PM
From: Peter Grasch <peter at grasch.net>
To: Ashish Madeti <ashishmadeti at gmail.com>


On 26 Jun 2014, at 09:54, Ashish Madeti <ashishmadeti at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm attaching the UML class diagram of the PlaySong functionality using the 
Tracklist interface of MPRIS media players. It's my first UML diagram :P, so 
it's (very) rough.
Yup, very “illustrative”.

So the first question would be how you’d process e.g., trackMetaDataChanged? Do 
you want to search all lists of lists of tracks? If you just use a list of 
lists, you lose the association with the serviceName, which you’ll kind of 
How will you match up user input (“Play X”) to track ids?

Best regards,

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