[kde-solaris] [Fwd: [osol-announce] Korona 0.0.1 released]

LeBar, Russell J Russell.J.LeBar at erac.com
Wed Aug 12 21:59:13 CEST 2009

Thanks Lenz! Is it possible to use this with Solaris 10? -- Russ

-----Original Message-----
From: Lenz Grimmer [mailto:lenz at grimmer.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 13:44
To: kde-solaris at mail.kde.org
Subject: [kde-solaris] [Fwd: [osol-announce] Korona 0.0.1 released]

This announcement might be of interest for this list as well...

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [osol-announce] Korona 0.0.1 released
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 09:07:26 +0200
From: hajma <tropikhajma at gmail.com>
Reply-To: mailer at opensolaris.org
To: opensolaris-announce at opensolaris.org

the live DVD image of KDE4.3RC3/OpenSolaris is available at http://www.genunix.org/ [2GB]

In addition to the standard OpenSolaris CD content*, Korona** comes with an almost complete KDE environment - 22 KDE packages plus localization to 57 languages and 38 supporting packages AND Konversation (no Amarok though, the recent versions don't build correctly). The live DVD boots right into a KDE session.

There was next to zero testing and some things are known to crash, but overall it's quite stable and there is at least one person already running it as his regular desktop (not me).
Bug reports with patches are welcome; without them not so much as we're still concentrating on making some packages buildable.

The best places for queries are at

known issues are listed at

sources at

a simple guide to build the packages on your own is at

have fun


P.S.: I'd like to thank to hnhn and ade who did for the project a lot more than I did and also to the guys who ported the earlier KDE4.1 and the supporting packages: steleman, luc^ and many others
P.P.S.: a repository with the packages is being worked on
P.P.P.S.: packages and iso of final KDE 4.3 will be ready within few days
* I hope it's ok that there's still all the opensolaris branding. I was not able to figure out how to remove it e.g. from the boot splash.
** Quoting wikipedia: 'A corona is a type of plasma "atmosphere" of the Sun or other celestial body. '
jack at opensolaris:~$ pkginfo|grep ^KDE
KDE4        KDEaccessibility                Provides accessibility
support for KDE applications, including text-to-speech
KDE4        KDEadmin                        Provides several KDE
clients useful for managing a system.
KDE4        KDEartwork                      Provides additional
artwork for KDE4.
KDE4        KDEbase-apps                    Basic desktop applications for KDE4
KDE4        KDEbase-runtime                 Basic desktop runtime
support for KDE4
KDE4        KDEbase-workspace               Basic desktop workspace for KDE4
KDE4        KDEedu                          Collection of educational
KDE4        KDEgames                        Provides games and
amusement for KDE4.
KDE4        KDEgdm-integration              Files for KDE4 integration in gdm
KDE4        KDEgraphics                     Collection of graphics
related applications and libraries for use with the KDE4.
KDE4        KDEhier                         Directory structure for KDE4-Solaris
KDE4        KDEkonversation                 Provides irc client
KDE4        KDEl10n-ar                      Arabic translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-bg                      Bulgarian translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-bnIN                    Bengali (India)
translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-ca                      Catalan translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-cs                      Czech translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-csb                     Kashubian translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-da                      Danish translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-de                      German translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-el                      Greek translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-enGB                    British English
translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-es                      Spanish translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-et                      Estonian translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-eu                      Basque translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-fi                      Finnish translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-fr                      French translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-ga                      Irish translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-gl                      Galician translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-gu                      Gujarati translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-he                      Hebrew translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-hi                      Hindi translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-hne                     Chhattisgarhi translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-hu                      Hungarian translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-is                      Icelandic translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-it                      Italian translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-ja                      Japanese translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-kk                      Kazakh translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-km                      Khmer translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-kn                      Kannada translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-ko                      Korean translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-ku                      Kurdish translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-lt                      Lithuanian translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-lv                      Latvian translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-mai                     Maithili translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-mk                      Macedonian translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-ml                      Malayalam translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-mr                      Marathi translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-nb                      Norwegian Bokmal
translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-nds                     Low Saxon translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-nl                      Dutch translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-nn                      Norwegian Nynorsk
translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-pa                      Punjabi translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-pl                      Polish translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-pt                      Portuguese translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-ptBR                    Brazil portuguese
translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-ro                      Romanian translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-ru                      Russian translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-sk                      Slovak translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-sl                      Slovenian translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-sr                      Serbian translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-sv                      Swedish translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-tg                      Tajik translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-th                      Thai translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-tr                      Turkish translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-uk                      Ukrainian translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-wa                      Walloon translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-zhCN                    Simplified Chinese
translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDEl10n-zhTW                    Chinese translations for KDE4
KDE4        KDElibs                         Libraries for KDE4
KDE4        KDElibs-experimental            workaround till 4.4
KDE4        KDEnetwork                      Provides network-oriented
KDE4 applications
KDE4        KDEoxygen-icons                 The Oxygen icon set
KDE4        KDEpim                          PIM applications for KDE4
KDE4        KDEpimlibs                      Libraries for PIM data
management in KDE4
KDE4        KDEsdk                          Software Development Kit
from the official KDE4 release
KDE4        KDEtoys                         Provides toys and
time-wasters for KDE4.
KDE4        KDEutils                        Provides utilities for KDE4.
KDE4        KDEwebdev                       Provides web development
tools like Quanta.
jack at opensolaris:~$ pkginfo|grep ^FOSS
FOSS        FOSSakonadi                     PIM data storage server
FOSS        FOSSaspell                      multi-language
spell-checking library and application
FOSS        FOSSberkeley-db                 A database library
offering key-value storage.
FOSS        FOSSboost                       Peer-reviewed portable C++
source libraries.
FOSS        FOSSchmlib                      CHMLIB is a library for
dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files.
FOSS        FOSSclucene-core                Clucene is a
high-performance full text-search engine.
FOSS        FOSScyrus-sasl                  RFC 2222 SASL (Simple
Authentication and Security Layer)
FOSS        FOSSenchant                     Enchant is a wrapper for
multiple spelling backends
FOSS        FOSSexiv2                       Exif and Iptc metadata
manipulation library and tools
FOSS        FOSSgiflib                      A GIF decoding library
FOSS        FOSSgnupg                       GnuPG is the GNU project's
complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880.
FOSS        FOSSgnupth                      Pth is a very portable
POSIX/ANSI-C based library for Unix platforms which provides non-preemptive priority-based scheduling for multiple threads of execution.
FOSS        FOSSgpgme                       convenience libraries around gpg.
FOSS        FOSShier                        Directory structure for
KDE4-Solaris dependencies
FOSS        FOSSicu4c                       International Components for Unicode
FOSS        FOSSilmbase                     ilmbase is a support
package for OpenEXR
FOSS        FOSSjasper                      A JPEG-2000 decoding library
FOSS        FOSSlibassuan                   IPC library used by GnuPG
related software.
FOSS        FOSSlibksba                     CMS and X.509 access library.
FOSS        FOSSlibotr                      Cryptographic toolkit
FOSS        FOSSlibraw1394                  A library for FireWire
(IEEE 1394) handling.
FOSS        FOSSlibvncserver                vnc library display toolkit
FOSS        FOSSnss-mdns                    nss-mdns provides client
functionality for discovering services
FOSS        FOSSopenexr                     OpenEXR handles a high
dynamic-range image file format.
FOSS        FOSSphonon                      Pluggable, multi-backend
sound handling library
FOSS        FOSSpoppler                     XPDF-based PDF renderer
FOSS        FOSSqimageblitz                 Image manipulation library for KDE
FOSS        FOSSqt                          A cross-platform and X11 toolkit
FOSS        FOSSraptor                      Raptor is a package for
RDF serialization.
FOSS        FOSSreadline                    GNU readline - library for
editing typed command lines
FOSS        FOSSredland                     Redland is a package for
RDF manipulation.
FOSS        FOSSsharedmimeinfo              A collection of tools for
FD.o Shared MIME-info
FOSS        FOSSsoprano                     An object oriented C++/Qt4
library for RDF data.
FOSS        FOSSstdcxx                      Apache Standard C++ Library
FOSS        FOSSstrigi                      Desktop search and indexing
FOSS        FOSStapioca-qt                  Convenience libraries for
VoIP and IM
FOSS        FOSStelepathy-qt                A unified framework for
many real-time communications protocols.
FOSS        FOSSunixodbc                    ODBC Driver Manager
opensolaris-announce mailing list
opensolaris-announce at opensolaris.org

  Lenz Grimmer <lenz at grimmer.com> - http://www.lenzg.net/

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