[kde-solaris] kdelibs-3.4.1 : dcopclient.cpp

Sergio Serge.Coche at free.fr
Wed Oct 19 19:50:41 CEST 2005

Hi all

Compiling kdelibs-3.4.1 with modified files (after qt-3.4.4 and 
arts-1.4.1 with modified files OK) on Sol 10x86 with SUNWspro cc/CC, i 
get following error about dcopclient.cpp :

"dcopclient.cpp", line 252: Error: Could not find QTimer::QTimer(long, 
QString) to initialize postMessageTimer.
"dcopclient.cpp", line 257: Error: Could not find QTimer::QTimer(long, 
QString) to initialize eventLoopTimer.
"dcopclient.cpp", line 288: Error: Could not find QTimer::QTimer(long, 
QString) to initialize postMessageTimer.
"dcopclient.cpp", line 293: Error: Could not find QTimer::QTimer(long, 
QString) to initialize eventLoopTimer.

I can pass this point with non modified files, but it's not the good 
way, because after that i will get others errors about QString and similar.

Has anyone encoured this QTimer problem ? (qtimer.h is in qt, not in 
kdelibs) ?

Best regards,


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