[kde-solaris] problem with KDE on Solaris Platform

Madhukiran kde-solaris@mail.kde.org
Wed Mar 5 18:48:00 2003

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I use a Solaris (SunOS 5.6) Workstation. Right now I am using KDE 1.1

I am facing two major problems :

  1. KDE environment seems to hang sometimes when screensaver is used.
     The reason being, when a screensaver is used kcmdisplay is spawning
     k<screen_saver_name>.kss . But, after sometime, I can see more than
     one kcmdisplay OR k<screen_saver_name>.kss processes when I do a
     'ps -ef'. Due to these extra processes, sometimes the KDE
     environment hangs. To bring it to normal, I have to login to my
     machine from some other workstation/PC and kill the additionally
     created (duplicate) processes. TO get rid of this problem forever,
     I had stopped using screen savers completely. Now the situation is
     pretty comfortable. Can you please let me know how can I actually
     avoid this hanging problem ? Infact, everytime I have to lock my
     workstation, I have to set the screen saver again from "Display
     Settings" window. Otherwise the workstation either hangs OR doesn't
     respond to keyboard/mouse after locking.
  2. All system messages are getting printed on the workstation desktop.
     No difference in behaviour even if I have a KDE console always
     open. I never had this problem while using the CDE enviornment.

I will be very thankful to you if you can help me in resolving these two

Thanks in advance,
- Madhukiran

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I use a Solaris (SunOS 5.6) Workstation. Right now I am using KDE 1.1
<p>I am facing two major problems :
KDE environment seems to hang sometimes when screensaver is used. The reason
being, when a screensaver is used kcmdisplay is spawning k&lt;screen_saver_name>.kss
. But, after sometime, I can see more than one kcmdisplay OR k&lt;screen_saver_name>.kss
processes when I do a 'ps -ef'. Due to these extra processes, sometimes
the KDE environment hangs. To bring it to normal, I have to login to my
machine from some other workstation/PC and kill the additionally created
(duplicate) processes. TO get rid of this problem forever, I had stopped
using screen savers completely. Now the situation is pretty comfortable.
Can you please let me know how can I actually avoid this hanging problem
? Infact, everytime I&nbsp;have to lock my workstation, I&nbsp;have to
set the screen saver again from "Display Settings" window. Otherwise the
workstation either hangs OR doesn't respond to keyboard/mouse after locking.</li>

All system messages are getting printed on the workstation desktop. No
difference in behaviour even if I have a KDE console always open. I never
had this problem while using the CDE enviornment.</li>

<p><br>I will be very thankful to you if you can help me in resolving these
two problems.
<p>Thanks in advance,
<br>- Madhukiran</html>
