Hi GSoC applicants

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 06:43:52 BST 2022

Greetings, I had a conversation with an applicant in the #gsoc IRC channel
and I thought some of you would find it useful.

[Applicant reports that his proposal disappeared with an error message from
the GSoC website, but that fortunately they had a copy of it]
I would hope *nobody* writes their proposal *on a webpage*
<valorie> ever
 <valorie> anywhere
<GSOC*> GSoC required you to write a Proposal Summary
<GSOC*> Please provide a brief summary of your proposal. It should
encompass the problem you are solving, how you plan to solve it, and a
clear set of deliverables. If your proposal is accepted, this text will
become your public project description on the program site.
<valorie> Yes, my point is that you would write that in a text editor or
word processing doc
<valorie> and when you are satisfied with it, copy/paste it into the webform
<valorie> also it can be edited and perfected as time goes on, based on
your interactions with possible mentors and admins
<GSOC*> ohh I see.. this was just a draft I wanted to get started to get
the application on file
<valorie> I will be reviewing stuff as an admin
<valorie> and if you are applying to KDE please have a detailed timeline or
hear from me about improving it
<valorie> lol
<GSOC*> are you on the Tensorflow team? could you please possibly review my
application and provide feedback?
<valorie> to me that is where the application rubber meets the road
<valorie> no, KDE
<GSOC*> in a pdf I did add the timeline [proposals should be in a Google
Doc, not PDF yet]
<valorie> right, but most are so general they mean nothing
<valorie> you should mention writing tests and documentation daily or weekly
<valorie> etc.
<valorie> yes, over and over
<valorie> your timeline should be detailed enough to serve YOU as a roadmap
for the summer
<valorie> nothing says that it won't change over time
<valorie> but at least you have a roadmap
<GSOC*> ok gotcha, I will have some more details on my timeline
<valorie> with a well-crafted timeline, you have the skeleton of your
status report already written
<valorie> and believe me at the end you will be grateful to yourself for
writing it well
<valorie> even if you have to adjust during the summer
you make your mentor's work easier too
<GSOC*> thanks so much for the insight! I will make those updated. I think
my timeline is just rough right now.
<GSOC*> the problem is I do not know what I will need to do indepth details
<GSOC*> so I am not able to write it in details. any ideas?
<valorie> start your research now
<valorie> you should have *some* idea of the tech you will be using
<valorie> what your workflow is
<valorie> etc.
<valorie> if not, you have lots of work to do now

* Mentors, other admins and I will all be commenting on your Google Docs.
Please ensure NOW that you are allowing comments! It is very annoying to
have to write to ask when that should be done right at first.

* Please read and respond to the comments unless it is just clearing typos
or so.

* Once your proposal is in good shape, please upload as a PDF. Remember to
do this every few days until the deadline. Do NOT wait until the deadline
when everyone else is trying to do their upload! At the end, we can no
longer rely on your Google Doc -- only that final PDF.

Have fun and good luck!

Valorie, one of the KDE admins

http://about.me/valoriez - pronouns: she/her
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