GSoC proposals

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at
Thu Mar 26 03:46:56 GMT 2020

I don't know how many students did thorough reading and researching and
made it here to the list so far. For those who are here, some general
feedback after reading all of the student proposals today, and each day.

1. Many of you seem to have disregarded important parts of

2. Your timeline is the core of your proposal. Fancy headers etc. don't
impress us. What does impress is a timeline complete enough to convince us
you will be successful, and to guide you throughout the coding period.
Included should be blogging, writing unit tests when appropriate,
commenting your code (yes, this *is* important), user testing if
appropriate, your commits to the KDE codebase, what tools you will use, and
anything else needful to make it detailed and complete.

3. The final proposal is the only document we can consider when choosing
which students to accept. We cannot consider your draft and the comments on
it. So when we suggest something, don't say "yeah I'll do it" -- do it.
Your proposal crystalizes your approach to a project. As we evaluate you
and your proposal for selection, we'll consider design excellence, clear
thinking, good communication, responsiveness to input - in short, whether
or not we need you on our team.

We want all of you, of course, and in a perfect world, could choose all of
you. We do not have a perfect world. We have only 24 hours in every day,
and thus limited mentors. We very much hope that those of you whom we
cannot choose will become part of our team outside of GSoC, although we
know that's rare.

Still, we hope -- which is why I read each proposal as if it will be
chosen, as if you will be chosen to be our student. My comments are the
beginning of mentoring, this time about how to write an excellent proposal.
You will need such skills in your life ahead, after all.


-- - pronouns: she/her
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