AW: Season of KDE 2020 - ROCS IDE - Add File backends, Week : 1

Torsten Rahn tackat at
Tue Jan 21 11:54:22 GMT 2020

I hope this doesn't clash with the existing KML file format which can be 
read by Marble:


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--- Original-Nachricht ---
Von: Shivam Balikondwar
Betreff: Season of KDE 2020 - ROCS IDE - Add File backends, Week : 1
Datum: 21.01.2020, 12:49 Uhr
An: tcanabrava at, Caio Tonetti, kde-soc at

Hi there, Shivam here
I did research on KML file format , i am working to add support to import 
and export graphs in KML format.
This is a short explanation of my understanding, I request Caio and Tomaz 
to go through it and help me finalize the grammer for this parser.

KML is an easy to interpret file format written in the form of nested html 
like tags "<>". The attributes( values ) are in the <> </> tag present 
which can be parsed by spirit parser.
In the past week I did research and studied the spirit boost library.
I have become familiar with both the parser and generator (qi and karma)
qi's API , skipper function. Also how the current implementation of rocs 
uses this library to parse the files.

Long story short, i think this grammar definition might be enough for 
importing/exporting graph.

<Graph>   : tells the nested tags will contain, graph nodes, edges etc
  <id>        :  can be a number, name , etc symbol denoting graph
  <type>    : digraph(directional), graph specifying the type of graph
<Node>    :  each node present inside the graph
  <id>        : a visual id for the node, can be name or digit
  <unq id> : a unique id to be used later in joining edges.
  <color>  : node color
  <style>   : just a generalised definition for all the less required 
attributes like text size, etc
<Edge>    : contains all the edges and shows how they are interconnected
  <Nodes>: a comma seperated parameter which will speficy the two nodes 
In case of directed graph the parser will assume it to be first points to 
the second. Eg: for a and b nodes it will be as a,b and when its directed 
it will be as a,b but interpreted as a->b
  <color> : color of the edge
  <wieght> : wieght of the edge
  <style>  : other less important attributes.

An example

<color> blue </color>
<color> blue </color>
<color> blue </color>
This above parser can be realised using spirit boost library as used in 
rocs/libgraphtheory/fileformats/grammer files

Looking forward for everyone's reply on what changes are required.
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