Want to apply to KDE SoC 2018

Ashwin Samudre capnoi8 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 26 12:35:42 UTC 2018

Hello Rupal,

The Season of KDE is concluded for the year 2018. The program had the
timeline starting from 10th December 2017 to 21st March, 2018. You can find
about the timeline here - https://season.kde.org/?q=program_home&prg=46

You can find the details about the program here -
https://dot.kde.org/2017/11/19/announcing-season-kde-2018 , this would also
answer your queries.

You can apply for SoK in the next edition, just keep an eye on the
announcements and the timeline.


On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 5:39 PM, Rupal Jain <rupal15081 at iiitd.ac.in> wrote:

> Hi there.
> I am Rupal Jain, a 3-rd year student studying at IIIT Delhi, India
> majoring in Computer Science.
> I wished to know something about the program:
> 1. I am an Indian student and citizen. Am I eligible to apply for this
> program?
> 2.  When is the application opening (and deadline) for the year 2018? Or
> is it open throughout the year?
> 3. How do I apply? I couldn't find any application portal or do I need to
> email the proposal?
> 4.  Are we allowed to apply in a team of 2-3?
> 5.  Duration and timeline of the internship? As in, does it only happens
> during a fixed particular period during the year? Or is it flexible in that
> sense?
> It'd be great if you could help clear these queries.
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