KDE and Google Summer of Code 2018

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com
Wed Feb 7 07:33:16 UTC 2018

Sorry for the empty reply; not sure why that sent!

Hello Sonali and other aspiring new students here who have been too shy to

On Tue, Feb 6, 2018 at 8:12 PM, Sonali Patro <p.sonalipatro at gmail.com>

> Hi everyone,
> I am a CSE undergrad from India aspiring to take part in GSoc through your
> organization. I like working on C/C++, any help or guidance on how to get
> started would be really appreciated.
> Regards,
> Sonali Patro

First, a tip about using mail lists -- rather replying to a thread that has
nothing to do with your topic, send a new email with a good subject line
which accurately describes your question or statement.

Next - now is the time to contact your team of interest. If you are not
sure whom you should be talking to, this is a good place to ask.

Of course it is best to begin at our GSoC landing page:

Please read that page through again if you have already read it, and ask
here if you have questions about any of it. We try to improve it year by
year, and are particularly interested in having former students help make
it even better. Asking questions here about anything that is unclear or
even unfair will help us improve how we administer GSoC.

 Have you looked through the Ideas list? If something interests you, please
contact the team presenting that idea. Contact information should be part
of every idea. If you are interested in doing something that isn't quite
there in the Ideas list, please ask about it here or the most likely team.

All of you should probably subscribe to KDE-Devel mail list [1] at least,
and the team mail list as well. If you can't find the correct list, again,
ask here and we'll help you find it. I usually just google/duckduckgo for
it. This is all covered in the main GSoC page, by the way.

I can say more, but it is covered on that main page.


1. https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-devel

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