Welcome, students!

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 07:33:05 UTC 2016

I forgot one detail: please include the name of your mentor(s) when
you apply for your Developer account. -v

On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 2:22 AM, Valorie Zimmerman
<valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com> wrote:
> New students especially, welcome to GSoC and welcome to KDE.
> Now it is community bonding time, so please take some time to just get
> to know your mentor(s), the team with which you will work, and the
> community at large.
> Much of the immediate day-to-day communicaton takes place on IRC, so
> if you can, hang out in the appropriate channels. #kde-soc and
> #kde-devel will be appropriate for all of you, and many teams have
> their own channels as well. You can use "alis" to search for channels,
> like this: /msg alis list *searchterm*. Results print out in your
> server tab.
> All teams use mail lists to do most of their business, so please
> ensure you are subscribed to all necessary MLs, including KDE-devel.
> The KDE-community list will be useful for information and discussion
> about big issues and up-coming events, such as Akademy in September.
> Some teams also use hangouts, mumble, Telegram or other messaging
> systems for meetings and discussion. Please use *this* list to talk to
> your fellow students and get their advice or feedback. Most mentors
> are not subscribed to this list.
> To speak directly to the GSoC admins, either ask in #kde-soc, or
> privately by mail to kde-soc-mentor-owner at kde.org. Best to write to
> that address rather than to any of us privately, please.
> If you have not gotten your blog set up on KDE Planet, now is a good
> time to do that. Learning how to use bugs.kde.org (protip: your KDE
> Identity doesn't work there; you have to create a login just for
> bugzilla), the wikis, reviewboard or phabricator, getting your ssh
> keys uploaded, developer account activated, git set up, etc. will keep
> you busy for a few days, but please take time just to get to know us,
> and where to turn for help if you need it.
> Please talk to us when things are going well, and even more if they
> are going badly. Don't suffer in silence! Ask, and you will find help,
> and friends.
> Again, welcome.
> All the best,
> Valorie, for the KDE GSoC admin team
> --
> http://about.me/valoriez


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